Date Night Idea!

date night Dec 09, 2021

Date nights do not have to be difficult or well-planned! Although planning is optimal, sometimes spur of the moment date nights are the best! 


I ( Laura) love this time of year! If you know me you know this to be true! From Thanksgiving to the new year is full of celebration! One of my favorite activities during this time of the year is seeing all the Christmas lights! 


One year, Jay and I were in Chicago and we visited Lincoln Park as they have an extraordinary Christmas lights display! It was cold and snowy, perfect for strolling and looking at lights, as we sipped on hot cocoa! It was magical!


The other evening, Jay randomly said, “ Get your coat, we are going out!” It was 8 o’clock at night, usually we are headed to put on our jammies at that time! However, he was adamant, 

“Get your coat! We are headed out!” We got in the car and drove all over town gazing at the Christmas lights. He had even researched which street had the best lights in town! It was magical! 


Grab your coat and head out, just the two of you, to a spur of the moment date looking at Christmas lights!

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