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Hey there, amazing readers of our blog! It's Jay and Laura here, and we're absolutely thrilled to connect with you once again. We've been pondering on what exciting topics to dive into next,...
We are excited to dive into a topic that has become increasingly relevant in our fast-paced, tech-driven world. For the next several weeks, we're going to explore the impact that technology is...
In the last of our blog series on balancing life and marriage in a chaotic world, today we are going to talk about seeking support.
Seeking support is a crucial step in managing the...
Creating boundaries can be a powerful tool for you and your spouse and can protect your time together and prioritize your relationship. Boundaries can help ensure that work or other...
When you said "I do", you thought (or at lease I did) that marriage was going to be a blissful, never-ending date! We would go on long walks, romantic picnics, movies every weekend, and spend...
Marriage is a beautiful union between two people who commit to building a life together. However, the modern world is increasingly demanding, and many couples find themselves struggling to balance...
In our fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the rush of everyday life. We're constantly on the go, rushing from one task to another, taking kids from one place to the next, trying...
Marriage has many challenges, none of us will argue that! However, there are some challenges that are universal in every relationship. Often couples go through these challenges and question,"...
We are so excited that spring has finally arrived! This time of year is perfect for couples to shake off the winter blues and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine together. This time of year is...
In an age of Tik Tok, Reels, and influencers, we can find ourselves looking for real connections. Our relationships suffer and none more than our marriages! Marriage coaching can help couples...
When our life is out of balance, everything suffers! Our relationships. Our health - physically, mentally, emotionally. Our work. Our kids. Balance in our life is crucial to every aspect of our...
Successful communication in our marriage is something every married person desires. At times it can feel as if it is unattainable. Especially when emotions are high! However, we have two phrases...